Lecture: "The Camden 28: Fratres Sororesque in Pace, Brothers and Sisters in Peace"


Location: 240 DeBartolo

Michelle Nickerson from Loyola University lectures on "The Camden 28:  Fratres Sororesque in Pace, Brothers and Sisters in Peace," as part of the DeSantis Lecture Series.

Professor Nickerson earned her Ph.D. from Yale University and taught at the University of Texas at Dallas before joining the Loyola faculty in 2011. Her first book is Mothers of Conservatism: Women and the Postwar Right (Princeton, 2012).

In addition, please mark your calendars for our second DeSantis lecture on December 3. At that time we will hear from Prof. Jason Zuidema (Concordia University, Canada) on "Protestant Monasticism Between the Reformation Critique and Vatican II."