Call for Papers - 2nd Undergraduate Student Conference on Mexico

Are you currently doing research—or have you recently written on Mexico or the Mexican diaspora? If so, you have the opportunity to present at a spring academic conference that will also feature a dialogue on Mexico’s place in the world with two towering figures in Mexico studies: Mexican democracy advocate Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas, whose 1988 presidential run opened up the political process in Mexico Oxford University scholar Alan Knight, one of the world’s leading historians of Mexico.

And…your paper will be in the running for the “Best Paper on Mexico, 2012–2013” award, which carries a $250 cash prize!
To apply: Please send abstracts of no more than 300 words to Prof. Jaime Pensado ( no
later than Tuesday, March 19.

Paper selection: We will select 9-12 papers for conference presentation.  If your abstract is chosen, the final draft of your paper will be due Friday, April 19.  Each undergraduate panel will include 3-4 ten-minute presentations moderated by a graduate student. 

Questions?  Contact cochairs Prof. Jaime Pensado ( or Prof. Allert Brown-Gort (